Exeter, Devon, UK
WhatsApp: 077510238403

Mon to Fri: 9 AM – 5 PM

Just so we’re on the same page

  • I collaborate with small to medium businesses that have something in common. Purpose and drive.

    Brands whose values align with the following statements:
    Authentic, not invasive.
    Bold, and purpose-driven.
    Impactful and transparent.

    Branch Out’s clients are eager to showcase their individuality.

    A strategy should be revisited and nourished all year round. Most clients prefer long-term collaborations.

  • Good things take time, and growing your business requires us to work together to figure out what grows and what slows.

    To make sure we’re on the same page, we provide the following:

    • Monthly data and analytics reports

    • Monthly reviews

    • Quarterly reports

    • Whatsapp availability during regular working hours (none of this emailing or calling after-hours malarkey).

  • I am trying to write a TV script. Or a book. Or both.

    I enjoy walking in nature, braving the cold sea and spending time with my partner Bev. I’ve just started trying to grow my own veg with pot gang!

    I’m also learning how to drive. Better late than never.

  • Curious:
    Curiosity fuels the journey. I challenge norms and explore innovative ways to connect with people. Boldness defines my work. I avoid the ‘sales-sales sales’ standpoint and use storytelling to inspire and educate.

    I value the power of genuine human connection in the digital world. Face-to-face meetings are the preferred mode of engagement, building relationships beyond the screen.

    Branch Out is all about enjoying the journey. We want your marketing strategy to be fun and avoid things feeling like a burden or choresome. You can really tell when a campaign, website, or social media platform is infused with joy and light-heartedness. After all, we always remember the things that made us smile. :)

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