Four industry updates for gym and fitness brands that can strengthen marketing campaigns.

Happy Gym day to all our fitness fanatics and exercise entrepreneurs.

Staying current with industry updates is vital in the dynamic fitness and wellness world. But, Like us, you'll sometimes feel overwhelmed by the everchanging information, statistics and claims in the sector.

At the same time, your goal is to support people to reach their potential and achieve their desired fitness and health goals. 

Here at #BranchOut, we aim to unravel the insights that shape the fitness landscape and spark incredible marketing opportunities for gym and fitness brands.

The most enjoyable part of what we do - and excuse the cliche - is helping brands like yours to help others. 

Here are some of the most interesting insights we've researched over the last few months and how to use this knowledge to show prospects why they need you. 

1) Pharma companies are rushing to develop weight-loss drugs

Recent reports from Global Wellness News TM indicate an ongoing battle in the pharmaceutical industry over obesity drugs, projected to reach $100 billion. 

What's the takeaway for gyms? While reported as impactful, weight-loss drugs may not address the root causes of weight gain—queue sustainable, healthy lifestyle habits as a compelling alternative.

Moreover, prescription medications often have side effects, underscoring the importance of marketing fitness services as genuine, safe, and conducive to long-term results.

2) The rise of restorative fitness

Fitt Insider's insights reveal a shift in exercisers' mindset from the traditional "no pain, no gain" philosophy. 

A demand for therapeutic classes has surged, giving rise to a realm of recovery services. In fact, 44% of Americans value services such as massage, cryotherapy, and sauna, with over a fourth engaging in regular treatments. 

Boutique studios and UK deluxe gyms are leading the charge by prioritising wellness services, including recovery classes, meditation/breathwork, and sauna/ice baths. 

Does your gym or fitness service incorporate these? If they don't, now is an excellent time to consider them.

Perhaps an engaging campaign for #SelfcareSeptember, giving a sneak peek at new services on the horizon.

If you already offer restorative practices, showcase these to your clients and showcase the benefits. Think case studies, customer reviews, or professional insights from practitioners. 

3) PureGyms UK Fitness Report

As reported by PureGym, the UK Fitness Report for 2022/23 paints a promising picture. 

Currently, 14% of UK residents are proud members of gyms. That translates to nearly ten million individuals prioritising health through gym memberships.

The future appears even brighter: according to YouGov, 19% of UK residents plan to join a gym in the next 12 months. This forecast suggests a potential doubling of gym memberships in 2023, showcasing a nationwide commitment to health and wellness.

So, target that 19%! Here are some ideas from the team:

  • Start a countdown to the new year. Add a countdown to your website or social media grids, stories, and email campaigns. 

  • Begin to promote refer-a-friend schemes now for January 2023.

  • Introduce free beginners' classes as an opportunity to make 'gym buddies.'

  • In our experience, the 'induction' is one of the most intimidating parts of the gym (that and the weights section). Host multiple group meet and greet sessions. 

  • 12 days of Christmas: Offer gym equipment, clothes and discounts.

Note that these ideas create a sense of community, accountability and motivation for prospective gym-goers. They take the fear out of 'joining the gym.'

4) Holistic Wellness integration

Fitness is surfing the wellness wave. You can enhance your gym or fitness business's appeal by integrating holistic wellness services such as nutrition counselling, mental health support, and mindfulness classes.

A holistic approach can align with the evolving wellness mindset of consumers and position your brand as a one-stop solution for general well-being.

'Just do it' is excellent. It's timeless. But it's been done.

How about we create a more compassionate, connected and creative realm of fitness while inspiring people to be accountable for the actions they are yet to take?

But here's the truth. You'll need compelling copy and content, whether inspiring people to sign up for a gym membership, booking with you as a personal trainer, or exploring your new-to-the-business wellness services.

Branch Out Marketing is your partner in crafting persuasive yet empowering narratives that inspire people to act. 

Contact the team today to get things (and prospects) on the move:


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