Six ways gratitude practice can enhance health and wellbeing.

In the ever-evolving world of health and wellness, getting caught up in the relentless pursuit of self-improvement is easy. 

But today, our team pauses to reflect on the beauty of who we are, how far we've come, and the immense joy that comes from supporting, empowering, and uplifting others.

At Branch Out, we avoid buzzwords and generic ideas in our creative endeavours. We want our health and wellness clients to rise above industry noise and fads. 

But the 'buzz' around gratitude is a genuine one. More and more studies show the undeniable benefits of appreciation on psychological, physical and spiritual health. 

A 2008 study by psychologist Alex Wood in the Journal of Research in Personality showed that gratitude can reduce the frequency and duration of episodes of depression.

It can also block toxic, negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, and regret—emotions that can destroy our happiness. 

A medium latte and a large mug of gratitude, please.

This Greater Good article references a study of 401 people, 40 per cent of whom had clinically impaired sleep. More grateful people reported falling asleep more quickly, sleeping longer, having better sleep quality, and staying awake better during the day.

A report from Positive Psychology reports that gratitude helps others feel more positive and makes them think with more optimism. 

Regular gratitude journaling can increase optimism from 5% to 15% (Amin, 2014). The more we think about what we are grateful for, the more we find to be thankful for.

For #WorldGratitudeDay we're steering away from our usual marketing and industry tips and tricks and giving readers six fantastic ways to integrate gratitude daily. 

1. Gratitude journaling:

Every day, take a moment to jot down three things you're grateful for. These can be as simple as the warmth of the morning sun on your face, a kind word from a friend, or the pure pleasure of reading a good book.

(Psst. We recommend The Little Book of Gratitude: Create a Life of Happiness and Wellbeing by Giving Thanks by Dr Robert A. Emmons.)

As you continue this practice, something beautiful happens. Your mind starts to seek out the positive aspects of your day naturally. 

Over time, gratitude becomes a sign-off before bed, a wake-up call first thing in the morning or gentle mind notifications throughout your day.

2. More mindful moments

Take a part of your day that you - like many of us - do on autopilot. This could be your wake-up routine, your commute to work, making dinner or heading out for a run.

Reframe the everyday routine as a window of appreciation. Each moment holds the potential for more gratitude. Be thankful for the gift of waking up to a new day, the smell and taste of morning coffee, and the simple pleasure of a warm, refreshing shower.

Embracing even the mundane activities can become a source of joy. The sound of your car engine humming, the indicator clicking, the colourful traffic lights. Be grateful for each.small.detail. 

3. Expressing gratitude to others

Gratitude doesn't have to be kept to ourselves. Don't hesitate to express your appreciation to those who enrich your life. Sometimes, we assume that our loved ones know how much we value them, but putting those feelings into words is essential.

A heartfelt hug, or a simple ‘thank you for all you do/are’ can brighten someone's day and deepen relationships. It's a simple yet powerful gesture that lifts others and enriches your own gratitude. Go on. Go hug ‘em.

4. Create a gratitude playlist: 

Music has a unique ability to evoke emotions, and you can harness this power to cultivate gratitude. Create a playlist that resonates with feelings of thankfulness. 

Want to listen to our top grati-TUNE? Here you go.

Whenever you listen to this playlist, allow yourself to be fully immersed in the music. Let it serve as a reminder of the countless reasons you have to be grateful. 

5. Medit-ude!

Meditation is a powerful tool for nurturing gratitude. Set aside some time each day for a gratitude meditation.

Simply sit comfortably in a quiet space and set a timer on your phone for ten minutes. Yep, even ten minutes a day can benefit the mind and body. Find a quiet area, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. With each inhale and exhale, bring something you're thankful for to mind.

Allow this feeling of gratitude to wash over you.  You don’t have to spend hours in a cross-legged position.

Here is one for you to try out: This is an awareness practice to allow you to feel a sense of gratitude for your body, in all of its beauty and mystery

6. Write a thank you letter

Consider writing a thank-you letter to someone who has positively impacted your life. 

It could be a friend, a family member, a colleague, or even yourself. You don't even have to share it, just write. Let the words flow as if speaking from the heart. 

This act of writing has been proven to strengthen people's sense of gratitude. It brings true joy to the recipient (if you decide to share it). 

As we navigate a world where self-improvement often takes centre stage, let's remember to cherish ourselves in the current moment.

Three things we are grateful for:

  • We are grateful to all of our clients,

  • We are grateful for words and their transformative power,

  • We are grateful to you for reading this.

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With gratitude, 

Team Branch Out x


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