Why websites will still matter as much as social media marketing in 2024

When did you last give your website a really good staring at? When was the last time you checked its page speed, navigation, or usability on mobile? 

Okay, so how about your social media? I'm confident you've been on your page the last week to swipe, snoop (for business purposes, obviously) and sell.

Getting swept up in the whirlwind of social media marketing is definitely more common. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have transformed how we connect with our audience. And they are super accessible through taps and apps.

However, if you've abandoned your website or the idea of having a website in favour of social media, think again. Your website should be a crucial cornerstone of your marketing strategy, and here are five reasons why.

1. Bread crumbs have to lead somewhere, right?
Imagine your online presence as a journey. Social media is like leaving breadcrumbs along the path, guiding your audience toward something more significant—the ultimate destination. That destination? Your website. 

Why it matters: 
Studies show that people often start their journey with a visit to your social media profiles. But then what? They perform a quick Google search to learn more or complete the next leg of their journey through your website. Your website is where all the pieces of your brand puzzle come together.

2. Authenticity: not just another buzzword.
While social media offers a glimpse into your brand's world, your website provides a borader picture of who you are and what you represent. It's your space to breathe life into your brand's personality.

Why it matters: 
Your website allows you to convey authenticity in a way that social media alone simply can't. It's where you can share more of your brand's story without the word and image limits. You can showcase your mission and highlight your values. All in one place. 

3. Making use of user experience
Websites allow you complete control over the design, content, and user experience. Unlike social media platforms, you're not at the mercy of algorithm changes, sudden account suspensions, or SPAM COMMENTS.

Why it matters: 
Control is crucial when it comes to user experience. With a well-designed website, you can ensure a smooth, user-friendly journey for your visitors. Plus, you won't need to worry about unexpected disruptions to your marketing efforts.

4. Go! SEO 
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is your ticket to being discovered by those actively seeking your products or services. 

Your website is the epicentre of your SEO strategy, allowing you to optimise content, keywords, and meta tags to rank higher in search results.

Why it matters: 
Did you know that improving website design can boost time-on-site by 84%? 

This statistic alone highlights the immense impact of a well-optimised website. Responsive design is non-negotiable with most global website traffic coming from mobile devices (65.49%).

Another statistic for you while we’re talking numbers. 73.1% of web designers believe that a non-responsive design is why visitors leave a website.

5. Data-driven-delight
Your website is a data goldmine, allowing you to collect valuable insights about your audience's behaviour. From tracking page views to monitoring conversion rates, the data you gather can inform your marketing strategy.

Yes, social media sites provide basic, valuable insights and analytics. But how many 'likes' a post gets on Instagram isn't as vital as how long visitors spend on each page of your website or where they are clicking from.

Why it matters: 
Data-driven decisions are the secret to successful marketing. Your website provides the analytics you need to understand what's working, what isn't, and where you can improve. 

This invaluable information guides your efforts, and helps you to keep getting better at inspiring your audience and getting them to take action.

In conclusion, your website is not just a digital address; it's the heart of your online presence. While social media plays a vital role in engaging with your audience, it should complement—not replace—your website. 

Together, they form a dynamic duo that can organically grow your business and nourish your marketing efforts.

So, before you consider abandoning your website, remember these five reasons why it's still an indispensable part of your marketing strategy. 

And if you're seeking a comprehensive approach to your online marketing, don't forget that Branch Out is here to handle it all, from website design to social media mastery.

Oh, and before I forget. You can also enter the Merry Marketing Competition to win a comprehensive social media and website audit, profile optimisation guidance, and a 30-day content calendar to kickstart your marketing efforts in 2024. Click one of the icons below to find out more.

Happy Marketing,

Branch Out x


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